set term pbm color small #set term png set output "110125.pbm" #set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" #set format x "%y%m%d\n%H:%M" #set format x "%y%m%d" #set missing "85.00" #set time set title "Pktgen Packet performance with different CPU cores\n Using XEON E5620 @ 2.4 GHz with Intel 82599\n System has 2 physical CPU's with 4 cores plus 4 Hyperthreads" #set format x "%m%d" #set xdata time set yrange [ "1.5" : "4.0" ] noreverse nowriteback set ylabel "Mpps" set xlabel "CPU Core" set xrange [ "0" : "16"] set xtics -1, 4, 15 plot \ "110125.for.xeon.cpu0" using 3:($4==0 ? $6/1000000: 1/0) title "eth0/CPU0 Memory Node 0" with line 1 1, \ "110125.for.xeon.cpu0" using 3:($4==1 ? $6/1000000: 1/0) title "eth0/CPU0 Memory Node 1" with line 2 2, \ "110125.for.xeon.cpu1" using 3:($4==0 ? $6/1000000: 1/0) title "eth0/CPU1 Memory Node 0" with line 3 3, \ "110125.for.xeon.cpu1" using 3:($4==1 ? $6/1000000: 1/0) title "eth0/CPU1 Memory Node 1" with line 4 4, \ "cores.dat" using 1:2 notitle with impulses 0 0;