#set terminal png transparent nocrop enhanced 8 size 420,320 set terminal png nocrop enhanced 8 size 640,480 #set terminal png nocrop enhanced 8 size 420,320 #set terminal svg fixed set boxwidth 0.7 absolute #set style fill solid 1.00 border -1 #set style fill solid 1.00 border -1 #set style histogram clustered gap 1 title offset character 0, 0, 0 #set datafile missing '-' #set style data histograms #set xtics border in scale 1, 0.1 nomirror rotate by 45 offset character 0, 0, 0 #set xtics border in scale 1, 0.5 nomirror set style fill solid 1.00 border -1 set style histogram cluster gap 0.1 set xtics 1000 nomirror #set ytics 100 nomirror set nokey set xtics ("eth0" 0, "eth1" 1, "eth2" 2, "eth3" 3, "eth4" 4, "eth5" 5,\ "eth6" 6, "eth7" 7, "eth8" 8, "eth9" 9, "eth10" 10) set title "10 * 10G tx performance w. 1500 byte pkts\nShortest route" set ylabel "Gbit/s" set xlabel "Interface" set yrange [0:10] set output 'hist-match.png' #set yrange [ 0 : 50000 ] noreverse nowriteback plot'100316-dma-1500.dat' using ($2/1000) with boxes; set output 'hist-rev.png' set title "10 * 10G tx performance w. 1500 byte pkts\nReversed route" plot'100316-dma-1500-rev.dat' using ($2/1000) with boxes;